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The liberal gene

Posted by Richard on October 29, 2010

According to researchers at UCSD and Harvard, people "with a specific variant of the DRD4 gene were more likely to be liberal as adults." But only if they were also "socially active during adolescence." So there's a gene variant that predisposes people to liberalism.

Rush Limbaugh calls it a genetic defect. I'd have to agree. It clearly seems to impair reasoning ability and higher cognitive functions. πŸ™‚ 

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2 Responses to “The liberal gene”

  1. Superglide said

    You and Flush Limpballs deserve each other. Morons of a feather flock together.

  2. rgcombs said

    Sorry about your disability, Superglide. At least now we know that your cognitive impairment isn’t entirely your fault. πŸ™‚

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