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Thompson smear discredited

Posted by Richard on December 20, 2007

Speaking of Fred Thompson, reporter Roger Simon (not to be confused with novelist, screenwriter, and blogger Roger L. Simon, who, unlike his reporter namesake, is an honest and honorable man) posted a nasty hit piece on the presidential candidate at Politico. Unfortunately for him, he forgot that nowadays bloggers will fact-check his ass. And the video that proves him a liar is available on the Internet.

Dan Riehl set the record straight quickly (and posted the video), and Jimmie at The Sundries Shack did a nice job of bitch-slapping reporter/liar Roger Simon (not to be confused with the novelist, … etc.). Be sure to watch the video and compare it to Simon's description. This is the kind of dishonest crap that the MSM feeds you all the time.

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