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UN Dispatch gets spanked

Posted by Richard on May 12, 2005

Two bloggers have really done outstanding original reporting lately — Capt. Ed on Canada’s Adscam scandal and Roger L. Simon on the UN oil-for-food scandal. So it’s entirely appropriate that, when the UN apologist blog UN Dispatch attacked Simon, Capt. Ed came to his defense. UND complained that Simon blogged only about oil-for-food, and then:

UND then lists a number of UN initiatives that supposedly have been or are successfully being implemented. Perhaps these programs do work well, although it’s hard to tell. By the time we get past issues like Annan’s nepotism, Saddam’s massive theft, his purchasing of UNSC vetoes staving off action against his genocidal regime, and the endemic sexual exploitation of women and young girls unfortunate enough to find themselves under the "protection" of United Nations peacekeepers and observers, we’re simply too exhausted to examine the minutiae of the UN’s efforts to rebuild Iraq’s marshlands.

(I would point out to the bloggers at UND that this latter effort would not have been possible if the US and UK had not removed Saddam Hussein from power despite the UN’s best efforts to protect him. It also would not have been necessary had the UN allowed us to march to Baghdad in 1991 when the road was open and the marshes still existed.)

Ouch. That’s gonna leave a mark. 😉

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