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Unhappy anniversary

Posted by Richard on May 13, 2005

Hard to believe – Dave Markowitz reminds us that it’s been 20 years since this particular bit of wretched excess in law enforcement:

On May 13, 1985, the Philadelphia Police Department dropped a bomb out of a helicopter onto a bunker built by members of MOVE in a house on Osage Avenue in Philly. Several members of MOVE were killed by the blast and the ensuing fire that was allowed to spread until 61 homes were destroyed.

No members of the police department, fire department, or Mayor Goode’s administration were ever prosecuted. Wilson Goode went on to win reelection two years later.

Remember, only the government can be trusted with weapons.

(HT: Instapundit)

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2 Responses to “Unhappy anniversary”

  1. Anonymous said

    Philly residents were punished. Almost $60 million spent on survivor settlements, rebuiling the 61 houses, contant repair because of shoddy constuction work. Finally the city offering a buyout of the houses, because problem too bad to fix. As of now, another suit in progress by some former residents.

    VRB in Philly

  2. Anonymous said

    You mean 20 years later, it’s still not over? I’m saddened, but only mildly surprised.

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