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Upcoming health care events

Posted by Richard on August 16, 2009

Here's some information about upcoming events that's a bit more timely and of broader interest than my post about the Grand Junction rally.

Nationwide Recess Rally: On Saturday, Aug. 22, the Sam Adams Alliance and other groups are jointly sponsoring a series of rallies in front of congressional offices across the country. Go to Recess Rally and click your state to see time, place, and contact information for your state's rallies. Then go to the Sam Adams health care portal for some intellectual ammunition (and be sure to sign the Free Our Health Care Now petition if you aren't one of the 1.1 million plus who've signed it already). 

Town Hall Meetings: Check the Club for Growth congressional town hall calendar for meetings in your area. Note that all times are Eastern, so be sure to adjust for your time zone.

Tea Party Express: From Aug. 28 to Sept. 12, the Tea Party Express bus tour will host tea parties in nearly three dozen cities across the country, starting in Sacramento and ending in Washington, D.C. Check the schedule for a stop in your area (it's no accident that many of the stops are in the home towns of Democratic congresscritters who may be vulnerable in 2010). 

09.12.09 March on Washington: On Saturday, Sept. 12, FreedomWorks Foundation and 25 other organizations are sponsoring a march to and rally at the U.S. Capitol. Related activities will begin the preceding Thursday. For an event schedule, map, and to register (free), go here. Visit for more information, news, and to order the official t-shirts. 

Other events around the country: There will be plenty of other events around the country before, on, and after Sept. 12. To see what's happening near you and get contact info for local groups, visit Tea Party Patriots. If you can't go to Washington on Sept. 12 (and most of us can't), there is most likely a local event on that date that you can take part in. Please, please, please do so.

Get involved. Get active. Do something. We're on The Road to Serfdom, my friends, and guy behind the wheel has his foot on the accelerator. We need to scream "stop!" at the top of our lungs.

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