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Visiting Tennessee

Posted by Richard on October 20, 2005

Thursday morning, I’m flying back to Knoxville, TN, for a 5-day visit. I’ll be spending time with my dad, who’s 90, and his new wife Dorothy (they married this past summer and honeymooned in Colorado), my sister Linda and her husband Alan, and some very old and dear friends dating back to my college days at UT, especially Albert and Walter. Albert has promised the party to end all parties at the family farm in Concord.

I won’t have a laptop, so blogging will be light (of course, as critics note, my blogging is often light). But I’ll try to bum some computer time from various people to check my mail and post something whenever I can. I’ve got a few little posts half-way done and on hold. And I’m going to make Albert help me with a post about his family’s farm that should be interesting. I’ll have a digital camera, so party pictures may be included.

I’ve nagged Glenn Reynolds a couple of times about his lack of UT campus photoblogging. I thought about bugging him in person, but I suspect he’s a busy man these days. Instead, if the weather cooperates, I’ll get some campus photos of my own. So there, Glenn!

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