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Warning! Legislature in session!

Posted by Richard on January 8, 2015

The 2015 Colorado legislative session opened yesterday, so for the next four months liberty-loving Coloradans will rightly be nervous. The legislature is split this year, with Republicans regaining control of the Senate for the first time in a decade, and Democrats retaining control of the House. Some observers are predicting partisan gridlock, while others, including many legislators themselves, say there will be bipartisanship and cooperation.

I’m hoping for mostly partisan gridlock. Bipartisanship makes me nervous; when Democrats and Republicans agree on something other than lunch, it’s usually bad news for our liberty and property.

The NRA-ILA optimistically reported “strong pro-gun activity” on the first day of the session, citing three House bills and one Senate bill that were introduced:

House Bill 1009, introduced by state Representative Steve Humphrey (R-48), would repeal the rights-infringing legislation passed into law during the 2013 legislative session that arbitrarily limits the number of rounds of ammunition you can use to protect yourself and your family to 15 rounds.

House Bill 1049, introduced by state Representative Justin Everett (R-22), would extend the protection and right to self-defense you currently have in your home to your place of business.

House Bill 1050, introduced by state Representative Janik Joshi (R-16), would repeal the onerous and ineffective private transfer background check law that passed during the 2013 legislative session.

Senate Bill 32, introduced by state Senator Vicki Marble (R-23), would allow all law-abiding Colorado residents to legally carry concealed without having to possess a concealed carry permit.  This bill would also keep in place the current permitting system so that people who obtain a permit will still enjoy reciprocity in states around the country when legally carrying concealed.

I’m not getting my hopes up for any of those. I suppose it’s possible that, having been chastened by the successful recall elections and the losses this past November, some House Democrats might be persuaded to repeal the magazine limit and private transfer background check, but I doubt it. I suspect they’ll stick to their guns, if you’ll pardon the expression, and those bills will die in committee.

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