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Watcher’s Council vacancy

Posted by Richard on December 29, 2006

The Watcher of Weasels has announced another vacancy on the Watcher’s Council:

Due to a decline in posting frequency, Dymphna of Gates of Vienna has chosen to vacate her seat on the Watcher’s Council.  It’s been great having Dymphna on board for all this time, and I sure hope she continues blogging, even if she doesn’t manage to be as prolific as she would like.

That’s really too bad, and I share the Watcher’s hope that Dymphna will keep blogging. Choosing a worthy replacement will be tough. If you’re a blogger who’s interested, or if you’d like to nominate someone else, check out the rules for Council membership and get your nomination into the Watcher before the end of the year. (How often do you get to use that phrase to convey a sense of urgency?)

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