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Posts Tagged ‘watchers council’

Watcher’s Council vacancy

Posted by Richard on November 28, 2007

It's been a while since I mentioned the Watcher of Weasel's weekly posting of "the most link-worthy pieces of writing around," as voted on by the Watcher's Council. But it's a resource worth a regular visit. The list of winners — even the nominee list — always includes some fine posts that you might otherwise miss.

I mention the Watcher tonight because he's announced a vacancy on the Council. Council members are chosen by the Watcher based on the quality of their blog postings. Each week, Council members submit a post of their own and one by a non-council member for consideration in that week's voting. See the complete Council rules for more details. 

If you're a blogger who'd like to be considered, head on over there and get your nomination in. I'd like to see an LLP member or Fighting Keyboardist fill the vacancy. 

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Council vacancy

Posted by Richard on May 31, 2007

Busy week. Regarding blogs and the Internet, I've done little reading and no writing. But the Watcher of Weasels tells me he's trying to fill a vacancy on the Watcher's Council. If you're interested in applying, or in nominating someone, check out the rules and submit your nomination in the next couple or three days.

I saw that al Qaeda tortures people. And they use power drills and knives and such, not bright lights and Christina Aguillera music. Who knew?

I suppose Amnesty International, the International Red Cross, and hordes of human rights advocates across Europe and the U.S. will begin expressing their outrage any time now. 

chirp … chirp … chirp

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Watcher’s Council vacancy

Posted by Richard on March 22, 2007

Speaking of the Watcher's Council, I almost forgot to mention — there's another opening to be filled. The Watcher will be choosing someone in the next three or four days. If you'd like to nominate someone (maybe yourself), head on over there , check out the rules, and get your nomination in. I'd especially encourage LLP members and Fighting Keyboardists to apply.

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Watcher’s Council vacancy

Posted by Richard on March 8, 2007

Marc Schulman of American Future has stepped down from the Watcher's Council, so the Watcher of Weasels is looking for a worthy blogger to fill the vacancy. He'll be choosing someone in the next three or four days. If you'd like to nominate someone (maybe yourself), head on over there, check out the rules, and get your nomination in. I'd especially encourage LLP members and Fighting Keyboardists to apply.

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New council member

Posted by Richard on February 1, 2007

Congratulations to Bookworm Room, the Watcher’s choice to fill the vacancy on the Watcher’s Council. Looks like a worthy choice, too — check out this post, for instance. Or this short one. Bookworm’s post in this week’s council voting is also well worth reading. Or just browse Bookworm’s main page for a while — there’s lots of good commentary and links.

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Council vacancy

Posted by Richard on January 26, 2007

Oops, I meant to post a heads-up a couple of days ago and forgot: Andrew Olmstead opted to return to active duty and to Iraq (best wishes, Andrew!), and therefore has given up his seat on the Watcher’s Council. The Watcher wants to choose a replacement before Dick Cheney’s 66th birthday, so if you’re a blogger who’s interested, toss your hat into the ring in the next day or two. Check out the rules first to see what you’re getting into. 🙂

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Watcher’s Council vacancy

Posted by Richard on December 29, 2006

The Watcher of Weasels has announced another vacancy on the Watcher’s Council:

Due to a decline in posting frequency, Dymphna of Gates of Vienna has chosen to vacate her seat on the Watcher’s Council.  It’s been great having Dymphna on board for all this time, and I sure hope she continues blogging, even if she doesn’t manage to be as prolific as she would like.

That’s really too bad, and I share the Watcher’s hope that Dymphna will keep blogging. Choosing a worthy replacement will be tough. If you’re a blogger who’s interested, or if you’d like to nominate someone else, check out the rules for Council membership and get your nomination into the Watcher before the end of the year. (How often do you get to use that phrase to convey a sense of urgency?)

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Vacancy on Watcher’s Council

Posted by Richard on December 12, 2006

The last time that there was a vacancy on the Watcher’s Council (just a couple of weeks ago), the Watcher of Weasels had already chosen a replacement before I got around to noticing. He did a fine job, too, by choosing Andrew Olmsted.

But now, there’s a new vacancy. ShrinkWrapped has gotten so busy it’s making him crazy, so he’s stepped down from the Council. If you’re a blogger who’s interested, or if you’d like to nominate someone else, check out the rules for Council membership and get your nomination into the Watcher before the end of this week. Here’s the announcement of the vacancy.

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Watcher’s Council vacancy

Posted by Richard on August 6, 2006

The Watcher of Weasels has a spot open on the Watcher’s Council. If you’d like to nominate some worthy blogger (maybe yourself), better hurry on over there, check out the rules, and get your nomination in. He’ll be choosing someone soon.

I’m strongly recommending Gerard Van der Leun’s American Digest.

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Catching up

Posted by Richard on May 4, 2006

I’ve been remiss about my reading lately — not to mention my recommendations. For starters, I suddenly realized that I hadn’t even visited this week’s Carnival of Liberty (hosted at Searchlight Crusade), much less linked to it. Shame on me — especially since Dan said such nice things about my entry. Dan did a nice job, sorting the submissions into three categories — Life, Liberty, and Property. Go check them out.

I also forgot about the latest Carnival of Cordite, hosted for the first time at Spank That Donkey. Chris did a nice job, and I’m sure the folks on dialup connections appreciate the fact that he posted small thumbnails instead of larger images. Some interesting submissions. Check ’em out.

Finally, I haven’t even checked out last week’s winning Watcher’s Council entries yet, much less this week’s list of nominees. The latter, by the way, includes two American Digest posts, one of which I’ll say more about shortly. If it doesn’t win as best non-council entry, the council members need their heads examined.

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