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Weasel reads

Posted by Richard on February 14, 2006

If you haven’t had your fill of "comic jihad" or "cartoonistan" yet and are wondering where to find some fresh commentary and perspectives, check out the latest winning posts from the Watcher’s Council (or the complete list of nominees). The majority are about some aspect of the Danish cartoons story, and there are some very interesting and thoughtful posts.

Interestingly, though, the two winners aren’t about the cartoon issue. The top council entry was The Strata-Sphere’s 2006 Democrat Contract With Al Qaeda, a twist on the oft-heard suggestion that the Dems should/will try to emulate the GOP’s 1994 Contract with America. The winning non-council entry was The Anchoress’ Wellstoning the King Funeral, which had some unkind — and completely deserved — things to say about Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton.

The second-place finisher among non-council entries was The Pathetic Last Children of Nietzsche’s Pitiable Last Men, which I recommended — along with Van Der Leun’s The Voice of the Neuter is Heard Throughout the Land — last week. Curiously, the second-place council entry, ShrinkWrapped’s The Academy Awards, Pan-Sexuality, Narcissism, & Loneliness, seems tangentially related.

And don’t overlook New World Man’s The Flaw in Libertarianism, either:

The fellow with the brightest idea can’t do anything about it unless a great many people agree with him. That stinks when it’s your idea, but most ideas aren’t yours, and in fact most ideas are colossally bad ones, so in the main we compromise not being able to flip a switch and run things the way we want to so no one else can, either.

In this respect, Kleinheider’s right: libertarians aren’t interested in the dilution of anything, they want purity. When confronted with the reality they’ll never get it, they tend to bitch and sulk rather than compromise.

Sounds about right.

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