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What pols can learn from Vin Scully

Posted by Richard on April 4, 2011

Tony Lee thinks Republican presidential candidates can become much more effective communicators by studying Dodgers' play-by-play announcer Vin Scully:

At the start of the baseball season, hope also springs eternal for the field of potential GOP presidential candidates who are gearing up to launch their presidential bids in the spring.  But like Scully’s epic "day to day" quip, the GOP has turned into a day-to-day party and it is an image these presidential aspirants must work to change.  Republicans have too often been reactionary—and thus held captive to events—instead of being forward-thinking and proactive.  The GOP has lately been a party of nearsighted tactics devoid of any overarching strategy.  But in the immediate, the GOP and its representatives have simply just forgotten how to speak effectively and compellingly to Americans.  As the presidential sweepstakes kick off, all potential candidates would do themselves a big favor if they listened to nine innings of Vin Scully.

Lee describes five lessons to be learned from Scully. It's pretty good advice for the GOP's chronically inept communicators (which is most of them). Read the whole thing.

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