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Leftist death threats continue

Posted by Richard on April 2, 2011

The liberal talking heads continue to prattle on about the "extremism" of Tea Party members and their lack of "civility," while ignoring union thuggery and a plethora of leftist threats and intimidation.

In Wisconsin, the  teacher who threatened to kill 16 state senators and their families has finally been charged (but still not arrested):

Charges have been filed in an investigation of e-mailed death threats to Republican state Senators last month during the budget-repair debate — but oddly, no arrest has taken place. Prosecutors filed two felony counts and two misdemeanor counts against 26-year-old Katherine Windels of Cross Plains, Wisconsin, but only after the Wisconsin Department of Justice sent the district attorney a sharply-worded memo of its own, wondering why prosecutors hadn’t done anything with the referral. …

Windels claimed to have already constructed bombs. Yet the police investigators (undoubtedly members of a public employee union) to whom she confessed to making the threats a month ago did nothing. 

Gateway Pundit has more about Windels and links to yet more. 

In neighboring Michigan, the Mackinac Center for Public Policy had the temerity to send Freedom of Information Act requests to the labor studies departments of three universities for specific emails related to the collective bargaining issue in Wisconsin and Gov. Scott Walker. After various leftist "news" sources like Talking Points Memo, Rachel Maddow, and the New York Times publicized/criticized the requests, the center received "a deluge of hate mail and calls," including five messages containing death threats or bomb threats.

The center has contacted law enforcement. Good luck with that. I'm sure that, just as in the Wisconsin case, police officers who are members of public employee unions will investigate, discover that the alleged perps are on their side, and do nothing for as long as they can get away with it.

We have a serious problem, folks. The fiscal chickens are coming home to roost all across the country, and the generous pay, pensions, and benefits of public employees have become unsustainable. So we're going to see increasingly angry and confrontational battles in state after state pitting the public employee unions against the private citizens. The problem is that law enforcement, in most places, is in the hands of the public employee unions.

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2 Responses to “Leftist death threats continue”

  1. David Bryant said

    I read through a bunch of the background on this story, and I noticed a few things that most of the commentators are overlooking.

    — Get a load of the purported picture of Katherine Windels at [ Gateway Pundit’s web site].

    — Now read the criminal complaint filed against her in the Dane County circuit court. There she’s described as 5′ 4″ tall, and 180 lbs.

    If the woman in the photo is five-four and a hundred eighty, I’ll eat my hat.

    — The criminal complaint says the threatening e-mails were sent from an e-mail account, to which the name Lisa Patterson was attached. The complaint also stipulates that Katherine Windels resides with her parents, and that she set up and controlled the “lessylisa” g-mail account.

    — Apparently Katherine Windels has a history with the police in her home town. She had some kind of run in with Lisa Patterson about six months ago. And the TV story about her includes a “mug shot” from 2004. Interestingly, the video from WKOW conveniently obscures her height and weight in one fleeting glimpse of the criminal complaint.

    Dollars to donuts, this Katherine Windels is one crazy lady. Maybe the foxy photo is seven or eight years old, when Katherine was 18 or 19. Or maybe it’s a picture of Lisa Patterson. I can’t tell. But a plausible explanation (and one that her lawyer will probably tell in court) is that Windels is psychologically disturbed, that she hates Lisa Patterson, that she thought the police would go after Lisa Patterson when she sent the e-mails, and that she never intended to hurt anybody — she just wanted Lisa Patterson to sweat a little.

    I’ll also hazard a guess that the main reasons the cops in Cross Plains haven’t arrested her are

    — they know who she is,

    — her parents are pillars of the community, and

    — they’ve already sized her up as a harmless blowhard.

  2. Arkady Bukh, Esq said

    David, thanks for the great analysis. The criminal complaint link was retired and moved on to

    Just to keep the integrity.

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