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When “pimp” loses its luster

Posted by Richard on March 10, 2006

Over at The Washington Post, Jabari Asim is convinced that "pimp" will go out of style in the ‘hood, now that it’s becoming fashionable in Hollywood. He has some suggestions for replacements:

While the prospect of previously oblivious whites adopting the word is a nauseating probability, the mainstreaming of "pimp" should reduce its popularity in the black communities where it first shucked its cobwebs and regained its currency. Its anticipated lapse in popularity creates an opportunity to suggest new lingo to my fellow African-American city dwellers, who often originate the nation’s catchiest slang.

My first suggestion: "scholar."

Imagine yourself amid all the men who used to gather aimlessly on street corners, lounge on the steps of other people’s houses and hang out with the rest of the worshipful congregations outside package liquor stores — all of you deeply absorbed in library books.

You’ll help to popularize an exciting new trend. Once it catches on in "urban" neighborhoods, it will inevitably "cross over" into white ones and, before you know it, openly building one’s intellectual muscles will be known as "acting black."

"Say, brother," one of your fellow intellectuals might say, "looks like you have quite a bit of studying to do this fine evening."

"You’re right," you might reply. "I could be off luring vulnerable women into an exploitative economic relationship based on the trading of sex for money — behavior that would benefit neither myself, the hapless women or all those desperate, duplicitous and disease-spreading customers who should be home with their wives and children (see below). But what can I tell you? It’s hard out here for a scholar."

He has some other suggestions, too. Go read the whole thing (use BugMeNot if necessary). But don’t hold your breath waiting for Kanye West to get on board.

HT: Betsy’s Page via Ed Driscoll, who also noted Jonah Goldberg’s related comments about Kanye West.

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One Response to “When “pimp” loses its luster”

  1. VRB said

    I thought that the Kenya West Rolling Stone cover was a reference to one of his videos. It was probably done to shock (upset white folk). I think 50 Cent is more into “Ho’s n pimps.” When Kenye speaks at least he say’s more than “naw what I mean.” Some rappers play to “keepin it real.” Even those that have never seen the hood. Those that have something to say that speak to change, are not promoted by the music companies. They may be somewhere on the web, but there are not many that are looking. Russell Simmons (Def Jam Records) would be the person that should “get on board.”

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