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Who do they work for?

Posted by Richard on January 30, 2006

Some of the Democratic newsmaking from the past few days got me wondering about something.

First, there was Al Gore at the Sundance Film Festival, promoting the documentary about his traveling slide show on global warming. Gore warned that we have only ten years left before we all die in some Day After Tomorrow apocalypse. Gore thus joins an unbroken line of eco-nuts, stretching back to Paul Erlich in the late ’60s and ’70s, whose predictions of impending doom have been laughably off-base. Take a look at some of the failed prognostications catalogued here, or here, or here, for example.

Next, there was John Kerry leaving behind his fellow rich leftist elitists at the posh Swiss ski resort, Davos, in order to lead the charge for a Democratic filibuster of Sam Alito (which failed this afternoon on a 72-25 cloture vote). This thrilled the barking moonbat wing (i.e., the current mainstream) of the Democratic Party, bolstering Kerry’s chances for the 2008 nomination and forcing Hillary to temporarily abandon her effort to position herself as moderately sane.

And let’s not forget Howard Dean, who first reminded the Today Show audience that Democrats stand for the right to hold secret conversations with al Qaeda leaders and then threw the Senate minority leader (and other Democrats) to the Abramoff wolves.

So these events got me wondering: How much more will it take before someone in the Democratic Party begins investigating whether Gore, Kerry, and Dean are really on the payroll of Karl Rove?

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