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Yes, it is a global war

Posted by Richard on July 26, 2006

A few days ago, an Investors Business Daily editorial effectively illustrated the global, all-encompassing nature of the Islamist threat:

Global War On Terrorism: The epicenter may be Israel, but this isn’t Israel’s war. Islamist violence and menace are going full blast around the world, showing radical Islam’s sustained aim at civilization itself.

Many Islamofascist activities get lost in the welter of 24/7 news. But when viewed together in one place, the threats, intercepted attacks, real attacks, diplomatic maneuvers or inaction all confirm radical Islam’s unity of intent.

Here, in no particular order and excluding the war in Lebanon, is a sampling from the densely packed events of last week:

There followed summaries of terror-related news from 17 different nations (some with multiple events). They cover North and South America, Africa, Europe, and the length and breadth of Asia, from Syria to Indonesia and Russia to Thailand. They’re only a small portion of the Islamist/Islamofascist-related news events for the week. But by all means, RTWT.

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