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A necessary fight

Posted by Richard on October 9, 2010

Human Events' Eric Erickson (emphasis added): 

Most everyone is convinced the Republicans will take back the House of Representatives. The Senate was never likely, though the seats the GOP will pick up will move the Senate decidedly to the right.

What is little noticed, however, is that 80% of incumbents will be re-elected. That is pitiful. In a year where “throw the bums out” has become a mantra for many, an 80% re-election rate is a rate too high.

According to Ballotpedia, 843 Democrats are guaranteed election to state legislatures on November 2 because no Republicans are running against them. On the other hand, 1,057 Republicans — most of them long-term incumbents — are guaranteed election to state legislatures because no Democrats are running against them. That represents one-third of state legislative races in the country.

For the nation to really change course, the revolution at the ballot box we are seeing at the federal level must over time move to the state and local level. It is a necessary fight, but one that will take time.

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One Response to “A necessary fight”

  1. annie said

    I think this year is actually looking pretty bad for incumbents. The odds of incumbents being re-elected are always pretty good though. I don’t think it’s anything to knew. No worse than before but still makes you think people don’t think

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