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A turning point in Wisconsin?

Posted by Richard on February 19, 2011

To indulge in some metaphor-mixing, this nation is fiscally at the precipice and politically at a tipping point. Madison, Wisconsin is, as Herman Cain said, Ground Zero. Someday, we may look back on February 19 as the day that we began to tip away from the precipice.

With only 48 hours' notice, thousands of Wisconsin's hard-working private citizens gathered at the capitol to support Gov. Scott Walker and respond to the angry demands of Wisconsin's public employees (and their supporters bused in by unions, the DNC, and Obama's Organizing for America). They told them, "You work for us. And we can no longer afford the lavish salaries and benefits that you've pressured previous administrations into giving you. It's time to get real."

Watch the video of Herman Cain below. The crowd noise and limitations of the on-camera microphone make it difficult to hear everything that he said, but you can get the gist of it. I hope there's a better recording or that someone with the technical expertise can clean it up. Because I'm thinking that with clearer audio, this could become this year's equivalent of the 2009 Rick Santelli rant that gave birth to the Tea Parties.

[YouTube link]

Money quote: "We the people of the United States of America are not going to let the United States of America become the United States of Europe!"

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