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Another voice calls for Durbin censure

Posted by Richard on June 19, 2005

Power Line has the text of a letter that Newt Gingrich sent to every U.S. Senator calling on them to censure Durbin. Gingrich’s letter is very good. It’s a little wordier than the letter I posted Friday morning, but I’m glad he’s joined my call for censure.

For some inexplicable reason, Gingrich’s letter seems to be getting more attention than mine did, and the Censure Durbin movement needs all the attention it can get. Have you called or written your Senators? How about Frist?


A Senate censure of Senator Durbin is justified and would reaffirm a standard for healthy, rational debate. By voting for or against the censure, the rest of the members of the U.S. Senate can go on record and make clear how they judge Senator Durbin’s characterization of American soldiers. It will also send a clear message to terrorists who will use the words of a Senate leader against us that the Senate stands in support of America and our military and against those who seek to destroy the free people of the United States.

There is historic precedent for censuring Senators whose words bring dishonor and disrepute on the Senate and impair its dignity; Senator Durbin’s words fit that precedent.

In this case, expressing outrage is not enough. It is time for the Senate to act. Senator Durbin must be censured now.


Sen. Durbin has outrageously slandered the men and women who serve at Guantanamo. He has increased the danger to our brave men and women in uniform in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. And he has given aid and comfort to our enemy.

I ask that you introduce a resolution censuring Sen. Durbin and repudiating his remarks in the strongest possible language.

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