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Anthony Hopkins

Posted by Richard on November 1, 2007

I just watched Anthony Hopkins on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. Very odd segment, and it's clear that Hopkins is not very comfortable as a talk show guest, but he and Craig got on OK. Some nice English-Irish-Scottish-Welsh banter.

I've always liked Hopkins and greatly admired his acting. The World's Fastest Indian is one of my all-time favorite movies, and Hopkins was just tremendous as Burt Munro.

My high opinion of Hopkins was affirmed during this interview, and even raised a couple of notches: Hopkins mentioned in passing that his favorite actor was Robert Mitchum.

Anthony Hopkins, who trained at RADA, was discovered by Sir Laurence Olivier, was a member of the Royal National Theatre, won an Oscar and a couple of Emmies, and was nominated for several more, admires above all others Robert Mitchum.

Damn. That Anthony Hopkins is a fine judge of acting and a person of great character. I'm impressed.

If you haven't seen The World's Fastest Indian, I cannot recommend it highly enough. It's a true story, and I guarantee that you'll feel better about the human race just knowing about Burt Munro and the many people who helped him. Hopkins said that this was "the best film I've been in," and his portrayal of Munro is simply amazing, incredible, awesome, and every other superlative you can think of. You must see this film. 

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4 Responses to “Anthony Hopkins”

  1. David Aitken said

    I thought World’s Fastest Indian was a great movie, too. Worth seeing more than once.

  2. Rick Shultz said

    I like Anthony a lot myself. I especially liked him as Colonel John Frost in “A Bridge Too Far” and, of course as Hannibal Lector.

    I haven’t seen “The World’s Fastest Indian” but I’ve been a fan of Indian Motorcycles for a long time so I may see if I rent the DVD.

  3. rgcombs said

    Well, Rick, now you’ve got two people vouching for “Indian” — not to mention Hopkins himself saying it’s his best. Go! Rent it! If you don’t agree it was well worth watching (more than once, as David said), I’ll reimburse you. (Hope you’re doing well.)

  4. Anthony Hopkins Fans said

    He is pretty good in The Worlds Fastest Indian, but I always thought that his best performance was in ‘The Remains of the Day’

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