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Barone: Romney will win big

Posted by Richard on November 4, 2012

Michael Barone, one of the more astute observers of the political scene, doesn’t think the election will be all that close. He’s predicting that Romney will carry North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and will end up with 315 electoral votes.

I hope he’s right, but it’s all going to depend on turnout. If you’re in one of those states (and you’re not a socialist), I sure hope you’ve voted already or are definitely going to vote. For Romney, of course.

If you’re in some state where the outcome is a foregone conclusion, I encourage you to vote for Libertarian Gary Johnson.

But if you’re in one of these “swing states,” don’t do something that may help move us further toward a stagnant socialist future.

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