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Blogger bash reminder

Posted by Richard on June 6, 2008

Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.5If you're in the Denver area, don't forget that Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.5 takes place Saturday night at The Corner Office (inside the Curtis Hotel at 14th and Curtis). Festivities begin at 6:30 PM. ResurrectionSong has more info, and you can check out the comments to get an idea of what kind of fascinating people will be attending.

But head on over to to RSVP (don't worry about all the biographical stuff unless you want to; just a name, email, and login is all you need). Because they're sponsoring the event and they're good people. How do I know that? Well, because zombyboy said so, and he hasn't lied to me yet. And because they're buying the drinks! 🙂

UPDATE: Hmm, I wonder if zombyboy gave the ViewMyLife folks a realistic impression of what to expect. Buying drinks for this crowd might require a serious infusion of venture capital. BTW, for you wimminfolk who like bloggers with national reputations, huge followings, and chiseled features, Stephen Green of Vodkapundit will be there. And he's leaving the missus at home.  

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