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Posts Tagged ‘beer’

Free coffee!

Posted by Richard on September 29, 2016

Happy National Coffee Day! USA Today has a list of places where you can score free or reduced-price coffee today. Krispy Kreme will even throw in a free doughnut.

It seems that yesterday was National Drink a Beer Day, so if you celebrated that to excess, some coffee might help. I celebrated National Drink a Beer Day without even being aware of it. Go figure.

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Happy National Beer Day!

Posted by Richard on April 7, 2016

I just recently discovered that today is National Beer Day.

Of course, for some of us, just about every day is beer day.

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Russians enter “Crappy American Beer” market

Posted by Richard on September 26, 2014

The Russian beer and soft drink company Oasis Beverages has bought Pabst Brewing Company, makers of Pabst Blue Ribbon, Schlitz, Lone Star, and Colt 45, among others. The Washington Free Beacon’s Sonny Bunch is OK with that:

If we’re being honest, though, we would note that the Russians are getting into the “Crappy American Beer” market much too late. The time of bland suds has passed. The future is craft beer:

Craft beer makers have experienced huge jumps in market share while the overall beer market size has shrunk. The Census Bureau announced yesterday that the number of breweries in the in the U.S. doubled in five years–an increase largely due to craft beer. On average over the past two years, 1.2 craft breweries opened each day, contributing to a total of 15.6 million barrels of beer last year.

Now, granted, 15.6 million barrels is only a modest portion of the overall beer market. According to the Wall Street Journal article quoted above, craft beers account for just eight percent of the market—an increase of more than 300 percent in 15 years, but a distinct minority of the beer population nevertheless. Still, one can’t help but feel that the future is bright for the craft beer community.

The mass-produced American beers of years gone by have their place, of course, and hey: to each his own. A lot of people still like Bud and Miller, and they should drink what they like. But their time has passed. A new day dawns. A day of tasty craft brews with complex flavor profiles that you can match with a variety of dishes. I for one welcome our craft beer overlords—and am more than happy to let the Russians have our dregs.

I’ll drink to that!

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An awesome invention for the backpacking beer lover

Posted by Richard on March 18, 2014

When you combine a light-weight, portable beverage carbonator with beer concentrate, you end up with what I nominate as the best invention of the decade:

We’ve written about Pat’s Backcountry Beverages Carbonator, the Nalgene-size system for fizzifying your drink of choice where ever the trail takes you. And while we’ve talked about Pat’s alcohol-packed beer flavors—the world’s first beer concentrate, according to the company—we haven’t put them to the test. Until now.

As a backpacker and a booze writer, when I heard about Pat’s first two beer flavors(complete with alcohol!) I couldn’t resist checking them out. After all, who among us hasn’t fantasized about some sweet suds at the end of a long, hot hike? But could these “beers” pass the taste test of an admittedly picky beer drinker? The short answer—Yes.

You add a 1.7-ounce packet of Pat’s liquid beer concentrate ($10 for four) to cold water and use Pat’s Backcountry Beverages Carbonator to charge it with CO2. The result sounds pretty good:

So what’s the bottom line? While it’s a struggle to get the drink as carbonated as you’d want (the best I ever got was analogous to a draft beer that had been sitting out for a good half-hour), the flavors are on-point. The Pale Rail is still a tad too sweet, but the Black Hops is most definitely worth the price of admission. I’m absolutely bringing it on my next trip, and if you’re a beer lover, I suggest you do the same.

I haven’t been backpacking in years, but this might just tempt me to pack up and head out this summer. One question: are bears attracted to beer?

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“Beers Ago”

Posted by Richard on July 28, 2012

This morning I was reminded that I haven’t posted any country music in a while. (Actually, I haven’t posted any kind of music in a while.) So here’s a real toe-tapper by Toby Keith that I like. It’s your basic reminiscing about your youth song, but with an interesting way of accounting for the time. Enjoy!

[YouTube link]

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I survived Blogger Fest 2010-02-06

Posted by Richard on February 7, 2010

Or was it Blogger Fest 0x0000000000000001? I'm not clear about the numbering. Honestly, right now I'm not clear about anything. Except that I left before midnight (and wasn't the last to leave this time) and arrived home safely about half past.

Billll did a good job of choosing a location. The Old Mill Brewery has excellent food and decent house-brewed beer, and we ended up having a back room to ourselves (about 20 of us). It was a fine evening. If you ever go there, I heartily recommend the Penne Gorgonzola, Off Colfax thought the prime rib was excellent, and the burgers got thumbs up from everyone who tried them. 

Thanks to the staff at the Old Mill Brewery for showing us a great time!

Now I hear a pillow calling my name…

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Blogger fest reminder

Posted by Richard on February 5, 2010

Rocky Mtn. Blogger Fest Feb. 6If you're in the Denver area, don't forget that the Rocky Mountain Blogger Fest is taking place Saturday evening (more info here). So you might want to give your liver a rest tonight to get it in shape.

OTOH, some people would argue that the best way to get your liver in shape for the event is by giving it a good workout. Pump it up! 🙂

Whichever strategy you follow, I hope to see you there tomorrow night!

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Blogger fest

Posted by Richard on February 1, 2010

Rocky Mtn. Blogger Fest Feb. 6It's not a Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash (RMBB), it's a Rocky Mountain Blogger Fest (RMBF). I have no clue what the difference is. Ask Billll, it's his idea. Apparently, he's been checking out bars and pubs all over the metro area for a new location for our irregular drinkfests (the sacrifices some people are willing to make!), and he came across what he promises is a fine spot — the Old Mill Brewery (click for map) in downtown Littleton:

If you include Steve Green in the numbers, it's centrally located, and isn't that hard to get to in any case. It's 2 blocks off Sante Fe if you're driving, and 3 blocks from the Littleton light rail station if you're a public transit fan. They also have lots of free parking.

I've been there. The food is good, the beer is good, and they have an area toward the back where birthday parties, Blogger Fests and the like are held. They have areas scattered about that can accommodate groups from 12 to 30, and if we get the back area, they'll even turn the TV off. Or on if there's something momentous going on.

Sounds great. I can stumble 3 blocks back to the train station and then (assuming I remember to get off at Broadway) stagger less than half a mile home. It's not that I'm a huge public transit fan — I'm a fan of avoiding DUI arrest. And I'm not known for exercising self-discipline and restraint at these events. 

All the details are in the graphic on the right (courtesy of Jed), but here they are again: Old Mill Brewery, 5798 S. Rapp St., Littleton, CO, on Saturday, February 6, at 7 PM. I'll be there. Billll and Jed will be there. Mr. Lady will be there (and she promised to wear a short skirt). I'm betting that Darren, Off Colfax, and David will make their way there, and Vodkapundit will show up just to add some class to the event. Who knows who else.

If you're a blogger, former blogger, wannabe blogger, blogger groupie, or just a fan of intelligent conversation combined with prodigious quantities of adult beverages (thus making it less intelligent as the night progresses), join us!

Hey, since it's a Fest, not a Bash, does that mean we start a new numbering scheme? Can we come up with one that's remotely sane this time? 

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Blogger bash this Friday

Posted by Richard on July 16, 2009

It's not a Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash (RMBB), it's a Rapid Fire Blogger Bash (RFBB). It's just two days away. And it features a prominent Left Coast blogger. Stephen Green made the announcement (via email) earlier today:

Sorry for the late notice, but Ed Driscoll is coming in from San Jose, and I think we owe him a good old fashioned Blogger Bash.  Just like the ones they used to throw in Olden Tymes of Yore.

This Friday night.  Sevenish.  Wynkoop Brew Pub.

Bring your friends.  Bring your neighbors.  Bring a backup liver.
I think I lost my backup liver in February at RMBB MMIX.1, but I'll just take my chances and show up anyway. If you're in the area, drop by the Wynkoop Friday night!

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3/13 beer smash

Posted by Richard on March 13, 2009

The Colorado House Business Affairs and Labor Committee killed a bill on Wednesday that would have allowed supermarkets and convenience stores to sell full-strength beer instead of 3.2% beer. Ari Armstrong is upset about it.

The audacious Armstrong, publisher of, has organized a protest taking place on the west steps of the Capitol at 11 AM Friday, March 13. Via email (emphasis added):

"Grocery stores have a right to sell regular beer to consenting adults, and beer drinkers have the right to shop at stores of their choice. By killing Bill 1192 Wednesday, the legislature maintained unjust protectionism at the cost of individual liberty, property rights, and freedom of association," said Ari Armstrong.

Armstrong will smash beer bottles from Colorado brewers who endorsed protectionism. The event will feature appropriate measures for safety and cleanup, so no beer or glass will be left on state property.

"The protectionists are smashing our liberty, so it's only appropriate that we smash their beer," Armstrong said.

I've got to admit I have mixed feelings about this. I agree completely with Ari that this is unjust protectionism, and that the State of Colorado should long ago have abandoned this vestige of prohibitionism (I believe only six states still have 3.2% beer). I'm utterly contemptuous of legislators who argued that this bill would promote teenage alcohol abuse.

But… but… but… 

The idea of smashing perfectly good, drinkable bottles of beer just disturbs me deeply. 

I think I've got a tear in my eye.

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Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash, the DNC edition

Posted by Richard on August 7, 2008

Let's see — the last Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash was number 7.5. So that makes the next one … 5000? WTF?? Well, at least Zombyboy has admitted what we've all known for a while: "Our Numbering Scheme is Inexplicable. Sorry About That."

VodkaPundit thinks 5000 is the number of shots Zombyboy will have to buy us. I think that's way overoptimistic; I doubt he'll spring for more than a couple of hundred.

In any case, don't let crazy numbering stop you from attending RMBB 5000: The Donkeys Over Denver Edition. Don't let all the fuss over at Invesco Field that night stop you, either. This will be much more intellectually stimulating, better company, and more fun (easier to get in, too):

With the kind sponsorship of Lijit and with the hard work of Mr. Lady, the DNC edition of the Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash can finally be announced. Thank God.

August 28, 2008
Trios Enoteca
1730 Wynkoop·Denver, CO 80202
7:30 PM to Close

Free Food and Free Beer & Wine
(In limited supplies and only if we like you.)

Be sure to RSVP — your chance at freebies depends on it. While you're at the site, check out the dozens of people — some of them quite interesting, I promise — who'll be there. 

(I would include a nice "Donkeys Over Denver" logo in this post, but Zombyboy has done some trickery with his code that prevents me from ripping off borrowing the graphic. Curses, foiled again.)

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Blogger bash reminder

Posted by Richard on June 6, 2008

Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.5If you're in the Denver area, don't forget that Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.5 takes place Saturday night at The Corner Office (inside the Curtis Hotel at 14th and Curtis). Festivities begin at 6:30 PM. ResurrectionSong has more info, and you can check out the comments to get an idea of what kind of fascinating people will be attending.

But head on over to to RSVP (don't worry about all the biographical stuff unless you want to; just a name, email, and login is all you need). Because they're sponsoring the event and they're good people. How do I know that? Well, because zombyboy said so, and he hasn't lied to me yet. And because they're buying the drinks! 🙂

UPDATE: Hmm, I wonder if zombyboy gave the ViewMyLife folks a realistic impression of what to expect. Buying drinks for this crowd might require a serious infusion of venture capital. BTW, for you wimminfolk who like bloggers with national reputations, huge followings, and chiseled features, Stephen Green of Vodkapundit will be there. And he's leaving the missus at home.  

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Another blogger bash

Posted by Richard on May 28, 2008

Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.5It's been over two months since the last blogger bash. That's a good enough reason for another one, isn't it? Of course it is.

Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.5 will convene at 6:30 PM, Saturday, June 7th, at The Corner Office. That's inside the Curtis Hotel at 14th and Curtis, and judging from the website, it's a bit trendy and Flash-y (pun intended) for an old curmudgeon like me. But the menu looks OK and they've got Guinness on tap, so I'll be there. How about you?

If so, head on over to ResurrectionSong for more info, check out the comments, and RSVP — either drop a note in the comments or follow David's instructions for becoming a better person and sign up at If you do the latter, he promises email alerts for future blogger bashes (and you don't really have to give them the three pages of detailed biographical data they ask for — just don't forget your email address). 

If you do the former, ask somebody to explain the bash numbering scheme. I've given up trying to understand. 


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Time for a blogger bash

Posted by Richard on March 19, 2008

RMBB 7.3 Resistance is FutileIt's been about five months since Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.2, so according to the experts (that is, zombyboy and whatever cabal he conspires with), it's time for RMBB 7.3. More precisely, 7.3 of 9 or More. That's a Star Trek: Voyager  reference. Note the Borg cube in the graphic Jed created.

(Yes, there's some disagreement about the number and its punctuation. No, I don't understand the RMBB numbering scheme, which has gone from 5.5 to 6 to 6.5-something to 7.2 to 7.3. But I digress.)

RMBB 7.3 (of 9) will commence at 7 PM on Saturday, March 22, at the Falling Rock Tap House in LoDo (lower downtown Denver). Their website has a map. Drop by ResurrectionSong to see who's attending, submit your RSVP, and peruse the comments, where you'll learn that March 22 is William Shatner's birthday. And get a good sense of just how weird and entertaining the attendees are likely to be.

I want to thank David for picking a location just a few blocks from light rail, and all you taxpayers for funding this heavily-subsidized mode of transportation. You've made it possible for me to attend without spending more on cab fare than beer and with no risk (well, minimal risk…) of spending the night in jail.


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I survived RMBB 7.2

Posted by Richard on October 14, 2007

It's shortly after midnight, and I just returned home safely from Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.2, which was at the Irish Snug pub. Got there about 4:30  pm, and left a little after 11:30 pm. It was a fine evening. The first half consisted of lots of good conversation, a very tasty and filling shepherd's pie and salad for dinner, and several Guinness.

The second part of the evening featured live music by singer-guitarist Brian Clancy, who did a terrific job (with help from a bass player and virtually everyone in the bar) of performing more Irish songs than you can shake a shillelagh at. Songbooks were provided to help us with the lyrics. It was a blast. Upon my request, Brian did a fine job on the old Tommy Makem song, "Johnson's Motor Car." I suspect that Brian and I were the only people in the place who'd ever heard of the song. I remember it from a marvelous album that's not even listed in the Makem discograpy, The Clancey Brothers and Tommy Makem Live at Carnegie Hall.

And of course, there were several more Guinness.

I was impressed by the Irish Snug, and plan to go back. The food was good, the service and atmosphere made you feel at home, and it had a good mix of people spanning several generations, all singing songs and drinking and having a good time. Thanks to Off Colfax for suggesting it (and, along with Jed, sharing his smokes; I start to crave nicotine after a few beers), and thanks to DavidJ for buying some of my beers. I owe him some shots next time. Thanks to the folks from Lijit for the fine conversation and the free t-shirt. I'll add their tool to my blog Real Soon Now.

We'll have to do this again sometime soon. But will it be RMBB 7.3 or 8.0? I just don't understand the numbering. 

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