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Blogger bash this Friday

Posted by Richard on July 16, 2009

It's not a Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash (RMBB), it's a Rapid Fire Blogger Bash (RFBB). It's just two days away. And it features a prominent Left Coast blogger. Stephen Green made the announcement (via email) earlier today:

Sorry for the late notice, but Ed Driscoll is coming in from San Jose, and I think we owe him a good old fashioned Blogger Bash.  Just like the ones they used to throw in Olden Tymes of Yore.

This Friday night.  Sevenish.  Wynkoop Brew Pub.

Bring your friends.  Bring your neighbors.  Bring a backup liver.
I think I lost my backup liver in February at RMBB MMIX.1, but I'll just take my chances and show up anyway. If you're in the area, drop by the Wynkoop Friday night!
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