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Drone hunting license? Count me in!

Posted by Richard on July 18, 2013

Wow. Phillip Steel has certainly gotten a lot of media attention with the petition he’s circulated in tiny Deer Trail, CO (population 546). He already has enough signatures to put it on the ballot. The town council will consider his proposed ordinance at their Aug. 6 meeting. The ordinance would allow people to buy a drone hunting license for $25. It would pay a bounty of $25 to $100 for the downing of a US government drone over the sovereign air space of Deer Trail.

I love the idea! It’s fun and a nice fundraising vehicle for Deer Trail, but it also makes an important point.

7NEWS Reporter Amanda Kost asked Steel, “Have you ever seen a drone flying over your town?”

“No,” Steel responded. “This is a very symbolic ordinance. Basically, I do not believe in the idea of a surveillance society, and I believe we are heading that way.”

I hope they come up with a nice looking, real official drone hunting license certificate. Because I’ll buy one.

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2 Responses to “Drone hunting license? Count me in!”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    Just think of it. Drone hunting on a crisp September morn. Your breath steams as you sit in a lawn chair in your blind, built to shield you from IR and cameras. Drinking spiced coffee and watching through your powerful surplus naval binoculars. Suddenly you hear it in the distance. That faint go kart engine sound….and then you spot it coming out of the dawn at 3500 feet. Just within range of your Barret M-72.
    This time they’ve screwed the pooch and it’s low enough for a shot! You hold your breath as you line up the camera lens in your cross hairs…..There’ll be scorched Predator on the mantle tonight!

  2. Richard said

    Ooh, a Barret! I love it, great image!

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