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For the benefit of the hoplophobes

Posted by Richard on February 2, 2013

As a public service for the restaurateurs, shop owners, theater managers, and other business people who want to ban firearms from their premises, here is a sign that can be downloaded, printed, and posted at the entrance to your business:

"No Weapons Allowed" sign

Rest assured, it will keep people like me out.

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3 Responses to “For the benefit of the hoplophobes”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    Beautiful. No words to describe this. It disappeared for a minute or so and I almost strangled. I thought someone had figured a way to censure it. There must be thousands of nut jobs in emergency rooms with dangerously high blood pressure levels right now. GEEZ!! I wish I’d thought of this.
    Absolutely gorgeous Richard.

    Here’s one I found a while ago.

    “Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We

    don’t allow our enemies to have guns, why

    should we allow them to have ideas?”

    Joseph Stalin.

    • Richard said

      I can’t take the credit. I “borrowed” it from an email update from some political organization. I don’t remember which and can’t find it now — I get so many of them. It didn’t have a copyright, and I’m guessing that they got it from someone who got it from someone who …

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