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I survived another blogger bash

Posted by Richard on July 22, 2012

For the benefit of those who may care, I’ve arrived safely at home after tonight’s Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash, and it’s not even 1 AM. There were about a dozen of us, and a grand time was had by all. AFAIK, no arrests, no illness, and no untoward incidents.

If you’re a blogger in the Rocky Mountain region and didn’t show up, we probably talked about you (we definitely talked about Stephen, Jeff G., Jerrilyn, Nick, and some others I don’t recall in my current inebriated state). You might want to show up next time to defend your honor (such as it is). 🙂

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2 Responses to “I survived another blogger bash”

  1. jed said

    I woke up at my usual 5:30AM. Still not very energetic though. In fact, the auto-shutoff turned off the coffee maker before I’d finished my coffee, and that’s a first.

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