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I survived Blogger Bash 4.5

Posted by Richard on August 21, 2005

Got home from the Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 4.5 about 1:15. I’m remarkably sober after six hours of partying — guess I paced myself well. In fact, I’m having a nightcap right now — a very nice small-batch Kentucky bourbon, Buffalo Trace. Highly recommended.

The Blogger Bash was a grand event, and I had a wonderful time. There are a lot of intelligent, articulate, and interesting people blogging in Colorado, and it was a pleasure to spend some time talking with some of them. I’m glad Publicola showed up after all, so I could tell him I like the "cheap-looking, laminated stock" on his Garand that a reader complained about. But I never did get a chance to thank VodkaPundit for all the traffic he sent my way a while back. I did remember to thank Walter Schlomerย for linking to me early and often. And it was good to see Jed and Nick and David again.

OK, that’s all the name dropping and linking I can handle right now. I’m not that sober, and I suck at remembering names anyway.

I wore my new Che Guevara T-shirt, and it was quite a hit. Here it is:

Click the T-shirt to order your own. Guaranteed to garner you the admiration of libertarians and conservatives and the grudging respect (or fear) of leftists.

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6 Responses to “I survived Blogger Bash 4.5”

  1. Dave D said

    Becky and I had a great time talking with you and plenty of other folks at the bash. I only wish we could’ve stayed longer. Let’s do this again some time!

  2. Anonymous said

    Smashing good time, eh what? Many laughs were had by all.

    And yes, Publicola also took this grand opportunity to rail against my “Poodle-Shooter.” ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Robin Roberts said

    Sometimes a man’s got poodles to shoot.

  4. Anonymous said

    I’m sure we’ll be doing it again — the only question is will it be RMBB 4.6 or RMBB 5.0?

    And if Publicola calls the CZ a poodle shooter, what’s he going to say about my NAA Guardian in .32ACP?

  5. Publicola said

    I never called the CZ a poodleshooter, though in fact it could shoot poodles & possibly shoot them better than say, oh, I dunno… an AR based faux rifle? ๐Ÿ™‚

    But if it makes ya feel any better I’ve always heard good things about those NAA Guardians. Not the best cartridge but for the size/weight trade off it’s a decent thing to have in your pocket – especially if you’re glad to see me ๐Ÿ˜›

  6. Anonymous said

    Yeah, I figure a Guardian in my Dockers pocket is of more use to me than a big ole .40S&W or .45ACP back in the car or at home.

    I must insist, though, that the 5.56 cartridge is more than adequate for taking out attacking poodles.

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