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WaPo reporters are humor-impaired

Posted by Richard on August 21, 2005

The people trying to block John Roberts’ nomination to the Supreme Court have been grasping at straws for a while now, but yesterday’s Washington Post story, Roberts Resisted Women’s Rights, takes the cake. Reporters Amy Goldstein, R. Jeffrey Smith and Jo Becker found a memo proving that Roberts wanted to keep women in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. It’s shocking. Really (emphasis added):

Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. consistently opposed legal and legislative attempts to strengthen women’s rights during his years as a legal adviser in the Reagan White House, disparaging what he called "the purported gender gap" and, at one point, questioning "whether encouraging homemakers to become lawyers contributes to the common good."

His remark on whether homemakers should become lawyers came in 1985 in reply to a suggestion from Linda Chavez, then the White House’s director of public liaison. Chavez had proposed entering her deputy, Linda Arey, in a contest sponsored by the Clairol shampoo company to honor women who had changed their lives after age 30. Arey had been a schoolteacher who decided to change careers and went to law school.

In a July 31, 1985, memo, Roberts noted that, as an assistant dean at the University of Richmond law school before she joined the Reagan administration, Arey had "encouraged many former homemakers to enter law school and become lawyers." Roberts said in his memo that he saw no legal objection to her taking part in the Clairol contest. Then he added a personal aside: "Some might question whether encouraging homemakers to become lawyers contributes to the common good, but I suppose that is for the judges to decide."

That’s a lawyer joke, you morons!

BTW, Roberts’ wife is an attorney.

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