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I survived RMBB 7.2

Posted by Richard on October 14, 2007

It's shortly after midnight, and I just returned home safely from Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.2, which was at the Irish Snug pub. Got there about 4:30  pm, and left a little after 11:30 pm. It was a fine evening. The first half consisted of lots of good conversation, a very tasty and filling shepherd's pie and salad for dinner, and several Guinness.

The second part of the evening featured live music by singer-guitarist Brian Clancy, who did a terrific job (with help from a bass player and virtually everyone in the bar) of performing more Irish songs than you can shake a shillelagh at. Songbooks were provided to help us with the lyrics. It was a blast. Upon my request, Brian did a fine job on the old Tommy Makem song, "Johnson's Motor Car." I suspect that Brian and I were the only people in the place who'd ever heard of the song. I remember it from a marvelous album that's not even listed in the Makem discograpy, The Clancey Brothers and Tommy Makem Live at Carnegie Hall.

And of course, there were several more Guinness.

I was impressed by the Irish Snug, and plan to go back. The food was good, the service and atmosphere made you feel at home, and it had a good mix of people spanning several generations, all singing songs and drinking and having a good time. Thanks to Off Colfax for suggesting it (and, along with Jed, sharing his smokes; I start to crave nicotine after a few beers), and thanks to DavidJ for buying some of my beers. I owe him some shots next time. Thanks to the folks from Lijit for the fine conversation and the free t-shirt. I'll add their tool to my blog Real Soon Now.

We'll have to do this again sometime soon. But will it be RMBB 7.3 or 8.0? I just don't understand the numbering. 

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One Response to “I survived RMBB 7.2”

  1. Tara Anderson said

    It was wonderful meeting you at the Bash. I’m sorry to hear that I missed the live music, but you’ll be happy to know that I was well-rested for the half-marathon. Of course, I was also very cold and wet during the half-marathon, but at least I wasn’t nursing a hangover at the same time. Let me know if you need any help installing our Lijit Search Wijit!

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