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Is it Friday already?

Posted by Richard on May 28, 2005

Time flies when you’re really focused on a deadline.

I just realized it’s been days since I’ve had anything to say. And the week has been full of events worthy of choice comments!

Zarqawi may be wounded or dead. Tennessee legislators arrested. Voinovitch cries in the Senate. Brits want to ban sharp, pointy knives. Bolton gets filibustered (thus making Sens. Graham, McCain, Warner, et al, look like the pathetic fools they are). EU committee accuses Jimmy Carter of falsely certifying a fraudulent election (again). The detainee who made the original Koran-flushing claim retracts it. King Fahd hospitalized (forgive me if I don’t send flowers).

I’m sure that, given the time and energy, I could have made some choice comments about any or all of those. Ah, well, the deadline’s been met, it’s a three-day weekend, and I’m sure I’ll find things to comment on in the days ahead.

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