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Islamo-Fascism Awareness Day

Posted by Richard on April 15, 2007

As if April 19th weren't already a significant enough date, the David Horowitz Freedom Center's new Terrorism Awareness Project has chosen that date as Islamo-Fascism Awareness Day:

On April 19th, TAP will stage a nationwide Islamo-Fascism Awareness Day. The focus of this national event will be a screening of the groundbreaking film Obsession: Radical Islam's War against the West on dozens of college campuses across America. …

Obsession is a wake up call. It offers a direct and chilling profile of what is brewing in the world of jihad right now-the plans for the mass murder of Americans and other Westerners and the justification that rationalizes radical Islam's blueprints for genocide.

We anticipate a great deal of opposition from the radical left that refuses to recognize that the War on Terror was not started by Washington, but has been declared on us by a global confederacy of Islamists dedicated to the subjugation and murder of us and other "infidels".

I've posted about Obsession before. It's compelling and important. If you're near one of the 70 or so campuses participating in this event, I urge you to attend. The University of Colorado at Boulder is one of them. Check the Islamo-Fascism Awareness Day page for the full list.

I've also written about the Terrorism Awareness Project before, recommending "The Islamic Mein Kampf" and other materials available at the site. Check it out.

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