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Katrina Relief

Posted by Richard on September 1, 2005

Bumped up again. But please scroll down to new posts below (or see Recent Entries to left).

Update and bump: To donate online to the Salvation Army, use this link instead of the one below. The Salvation Army’s servers have been nearly overwhelmed by the response, but they’re adding more. That link also provides an address for mailing donations plus the phone and Wal-Mart info I have below. Thank you for doing what you can.

The images of devastation and looting are disturbing. The stories of loss and suffering are heartbreaking. The stories of heroism and benevolence are heartwarming.

This isn’t a long post about Katrina. By now you’ve probably seen and heard as much as I have. But, along with hundreds of other bloggers, I’m asking you to contribute what you can to what will certainly be the largest disaster relief effort in U.S. history — because it needs to be.

As I mentioned in my previous post about this, I recommend donating to the Salvation Army, and I was pleased to see video on Fox News a short while ago showing people lined up at Salvation Army trucks offering food, drink, and other assistance. Donate online through the link above, call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769), or take a donation to any Wal-Mart or Sam’s Club.

Another good choice would be the Operation Katrina Soldiers Relief Fund. Thousands of National Guard soldiers in Iraq are from Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. A significant number of them will be returning home in coming weeks to find that their families are in a shelter and their homes and businesses have been destroyed. They’ve been doing so much for us — we need to help them now.

For other giving options, see TTLB’s long list of suggested charities.  

Here are some other Katrina-related links that might be helpful:

  • Instapundit and The Truth Laid Bear are spearheading the online relief efforts, serving as information aggregators and coordinators.
  • The WizBang folks have started an even more ambitious project, Hurricaid. Want to know how to get help from FEMA? Trying to find a missing person? Want to look at an interactive map of New Orleans on which people are inserting info on local conditions? They’re adding stuff like this all the time and quickly becoming an important information clearing house for all things Katrina-related.
  • The Katrina Help Wiki is the other important information clearing house. If you’re not familiar with wikis, they’re sets of web pages that anyone can edit. This one has ever-changing pages of Help Offered, Help Needed, Missing & Found, News Resources, etc.

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