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LA Times: Israel started it by firing back

Posted by Richard on January 19, 2014

This has become so predictable that it’s practically a “dog bites man” story. But it needs to be called out as a reminder of where our leftist mainstream media is coming from.

From HonestReporting (emphasis in original):

This LA Times headline is a sneak preview of more misleading reporting of Palestinian terrorism:

Israeli forces attack Gaza in new round of cross-border violence

The headline deliberately portrays Israel as an aggressor while a “new round of cross-border violence” is the equivalent of the “cycle of violence” where Palestinian terrorism and Israeli responses are treated as morally equivalent.

Unfortunately the LA Times is no stranger when it comes to this mentality.

But just to make sure you know who the aggressor is (emphasis added):

A cease-fire brokered between Hamas and Israel in late 2012 brought a period of relative quiet to the Gaza Strip. That was shattered last month, when Israeli military forces launched a series of attacks after suspected Palestinian sniper fire killed an Israeli civilian doing repair work on the border fence.

So let’s get this straight – Palestinians carry out acts of terror but Israel is the one that breaks a ceasefire by responding.

Or, “It all started when Israel fired back…”

Note also the phrase “a period of relative quiet to the Gaza Strip.” The LA Times is unconcerned about whether there is “a period of relative quiet” in Israel.

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