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Merry Christmas — and if that offends you, too bad

Posted by Richard on December 24, 2015

I’m not a Christian, but I like Christmas anyway. So I wish people a merry Christmas. Apparently, some people are offended by that. I think anyone who gets upset about being wished a merry Christmas really, really needs to rethink their approach to life.

It seems that there are a number of such pathetic individuals around Greeley, Colorado:

GREELEY – Growing up in the restaurant industry, Brandon Bird says he’s seen it all. But for the first time in 40 years, the owner of Bulldog Deli and Pizza in Greeley says he’s never encountered backlash like he has in the past week.

“It didn’t occur to me that folks would take any offense or negativity at all in simply changing my billboard to saying Merry Christmas.” …

Read the whole sorry story. And then have a very merry Christmas. Oh, yeah, and a happy Festivus, too!

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