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The President beclowns himself

Posted by Richard on December 6, 2015

I didn’t watch the President’s prime-time speech tonight. But I took a quick look around the interwebs later, and I thought The Onion came up with a hilarious parody headline:

Obama: Increasing Gun Control, Rejecting Islamophobia Are Key to Combating Terrorism

Oh, wait. That’s not The Onion. That’s Slate. And they’re serious. He’s serious.

I guess I’m not all that surprised.

Obama did finally acknowledge that San Bernardino was a terrorist act. Prior to tonight, he, his lackeys, and their sycophants in the MSM had clung to the “workplace violence” theory to the point where it was laughable.

No surprise: Obama wants to trash the Second Amendment. He’s passionately opposed to discriminating against Muslims in any way, but he’s demanding that everyone on the government’s outrageous no-fly list be denied a fundamental human and Constitutional right without due process of law. The late Sen. Ted Kennedy was on the no-fly list, and it took him forever to get off. IIRC, at least 40% of the people on the no-fly list are there for no good reason.

Big surprise: Obama didn’t claim that limiting carbon dioxide emissions was the third key to combating terrorism. Maybe after the joke that was the Paris climate summit, he’s decided to cool it with the climate change rhetoric for a while.

You see what I did there?

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