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Mobile Pie Hole in Denver

Posted by Richard on September 16, 2008

If you're a fan of the charming, quirky, and seriously surreal ABC fantasy series Pushing Daisies (I am), and you'll be in the downtown Denver area this Wednesday, September 17th (I won't be, darn it), drop by Larimer Square (1430 Larimer Street) between 10 AM and 2 PM. The "Mobile Pie Hole" restaurant will be there. They'll be giving out free pie, pie cutters, spatulas, etc., and playing footage from the show on plasma TVs as waitresses on daisy bicycles ride around.

If you've seen the show, that made perfect sense. If not, take my word for it, it'll be fun.

Other upcoming Mobile Pie Hole visits are scheduled in Dallas, Chicago, Philly, and NYC. More info at Pushing Daisies Touch of Wonder Tour (requires Flash player).

The new season of Pushing Daisies begins Oct. 1. If you've never seen it and have a broadband connection, check it out online — you can watch several complete episodes here. I bet you'll become a fan.

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2 Responses to “Mobile Pie Hole in Denver”

  1. JennyJames said

    I love Pushing Daisies. It is beautiful to look at, the characters are really terrific and it keeps me smiling every week. Seriously, If you have never seen if, go check out I promise, you will want pie.

  2. rgcombs said

    ”beautiful to look at”

    Yeah, it has a very special look to it that adds to the appeal. Premier is almost here! Thanks for stopping by!

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