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More dirt on Bolton critic

Posted by Richard on April 27, 2005

Tuesday, in a post about Bolton’s critics, I linked to a Little Green Footballs post about Melody Townsel. Today, LGF has yet more information about her apparent serial plagiarism and chronic lying.

Meanwhile, at Confirm Bolton, Joel Mowbray makes the right point and asks a good question:

I’m going on CNN at noon (EST), and the question posed to me by the producer — which usually mirrors what the host asks on-air — was, “Should Bolton step aside because he’s so ‘controversial’?” But the only reason he’s so “controversial” is because the Democrats have chosen to engage in an utterly dispicable and disingenuous smear campaign. They refuse to attack Bolton for his views — the real reason they hate him — because they’d lose. Americans don’t love the UN. Neither does Bolton. So here’s the question the GOP must start posing, “Why do Democrats?”

My answer: Because, for a sizeable chunk of the liberal/left in this country, the US is terribly dangerous and in need of restraint, and the UN is their only hope for thwarting and constraining the US (see Kerry, global test).

Which begs the question, "Why do they fear the US and want to restrain it?"

My answer: Because they reject, despise, and fear its defining values — capitalism, freedom, innovation, progress, reason, modernity — the values of classical liberalism, the Enlightenment, and Western Civilization.

It’s not just about politics, it’s about philosophy. But don’t hold your breath waiting for Republican senators to make that point.

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