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Pope-bashing begins

Posted by Richard on April 19, 2005

While taking my lunch-time walk, listening to talk radio (Rush), I heard a news story about Cardinal Ratzinger being named pope. I don’t know which radio network it was (due to a Rockies game, Rush was pushed to a "sister station" that I don’t normally listen to). Could be CNN, ABC, …

The reporter noted that Ratzinger was head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and added parenthetically that it used to be the Inquisition. As if it had just recently changed its name.

Just in case that wasn’t biased and pointed enough, he went on to describe Ratzinger’s role as "head of the thought police" for the Catholic church.

I’m an atheist libertarian. It’s bad enough that I find myself having to defend Republicans from scurrilous attacks by the Left and smears and distortions from their media mouthpieces. Do I have to start defending Catholics, too?

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