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Pork for the people

Posted by Richard on February 18, 2009

The turnout was surprisingly good for the Americans for Prosperity stimulus protest today at the State Capitol — about 500 people showed up. The rally coincided with President Obama's signing of the "porkulus" bill at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

Considering that the rally was only announced yesterday, that it was in the middle of a work day, and that most of us anti-big-government types actually have jobs we can't skip out on, that's a pretty impressive turnout. 

And what's a noon-time rally without food, right? Well, the organizers served lunch, too (emphasis added): 

Organizers said there is too much pork in the bill signed by President Barack Obama. So they carved up a roasted pig and made sandwiches just as the president was getting ready to sign the bill. A live pig was also present before the podium as protesters spoke.

Jocelyn Armstrong of Parker carried a gigantic check for $30,000, which she said represented the cost of the stimulus to each American family. Her 8-year-old daughter Hannah signed the check because Armstrong said she would have to pay for it.

"In my opinion, Obama, Pelosi and Reed are the Bernie Madoff Democrats who want to take our money and use it for their purposes and we're here to say, 'No more,'" Jim Pfaff with Americans for Prosperity told the crowd.  

I'm sorry I couldn't attend (it's a 30-mile round trip, and I couldn't fit it in between meetings). It sounds like they had a better lunch than I did!

UPDATE: El Marco has some nice pix of the rally. (HT: LGF)

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2 Responses to “Pork for the people”

  1. Libercontrarian said

    Well, I would have liked to attend. Had the time, as well. Too bad I’m not “in the know” like you are!

    We don’t get much a’ news out here in th’ sticks…

  2. Imee said

    With regard to the previous post I commented on, I’m in Asia at the moment so the computer I’m using is probably using Asian time. 😉

    Anyway, I do think 500 or so people, given the circumstance, is a pretty good turnout. The pork stuff they served made me smile… I think it’s a peaceful protest and it also served the people’s appetites. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone! lol

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