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Praying for Churchill’s salvation

Posted by Richard on July 21, 2005

Operation Save America, formerly Operation Rescue, is holding a convention in Denver. Tuesday, about a hundred of them took time out from — I dunno, making more fetus posters or whatever they do at their convention — to drive up to Boulder and try to save CU’s poster child for ending tenure, Ward Churchill. From the Rocky Mountain News:

About 100 members of Operation Save America gathered at CU’s Ketchum Building, where Churchill has a basement office, to pray for his salvation.

"That’s the power of Christ, to set the captive free from the lies and from those demons that are inhabiting Ward," the Rev. Flip Benham, of Concord, N.C., told the gathering.

"This man has been a blight and a disgrace throughout America," Benham said.

You go, Flip! That’s the first thing Operation Rescue has ever done that I liked. Let’s get those demons that are in him! How about an exorcism? Can we try an exorcism on Ward? I want to see his head spin around.

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One Response to “Praying for Churchill’s salvation”

  1. Jan said

    Demonic possession could explain Ward’s behavior, as well as anything else.

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