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Project Valour-IT

Posted by Richard on November 6, 2005

I’ve supported Soldiers’ Angels in the past, most recently their Operation Katrina Soldiers Relief Fund to help National Guard soldiers in Iraq whose families, homes, and businesses were impacted by the hurricane. It’s a terrific organization whose organizers and supporters always seem to be coming up with the most wonderful ideas for helping those who wear a uniform and go in harm’s way on our behalf.

One of their really great ideas is Project Valour-IT (Voice-Activated Laptops for OUR Injured Troops). The project aims to set up "libraries" of laptops with voice-control software that can be loaned to Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines who’ve suffered hand and arm injuries or amputations. They also want to give copies of the voice-control software to patients to take home and install on their own computers when they leave the medical center.

Soldiers’ Angels has a brief history of the project. But if you want to know how much this really means, read this. Then dry your eyes and read some of the other stuff at Fuzzilicious Thinking, especially this and this (but pay no attention to the pro-Navy stuff; see below).

To help raise funds for this project while having some fun, a bunch of Milbloggers have organized a friendly competition, with teams raising funds on behalf of each branch of the military. Team Leaders are Holly Aho (Marines), Blackfive (Army), Mrs. Greyhawk (Air Force), and Mrs. Smash (Navy). The competition runs through November 11 (Veteran’s Day).

I’m supporting the effort, and in honor of my dad, Col. (Retired) Samuel R. Combs, United States Army Signal Corps, I’m joining Blackfive’s Army team. Which is currently in second place behind the Navy, doggone it, so please help me change that. Click the button below (or in the right sidebar) to make a PayPal donation that will be credited to the Army team.

Remember, every dollar you donate goes to the laptops, software, and shipping — there is no fundraising or administrative overhead. The competition has its own Valour-IT blog where you can see how the fundraising is going and read other news — even cartoons — about the project.

Please join me and donate what you can spare. It’s PayPal, so any amount is OK and every dollar helps. Thanks!

UPDATE: As of just past midnight on Tue., 11/8, the Army team has about a $1000 lead over Navy. Go, Army!

UPDATE 2: Well, according to the Valour-IT blog, the Navy team edged out Army at the end, $23,831.76 to $23,652.57. Of course, as noted on the blog, those numbers are unofficial and subject to change as mailed checks come in, etc. In other words, the "absentee ballots" haven’t been counted, and besides, the results are so close that Army should demand a recount! 🙂

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One Response to “Project Valour-IT”

  1. Jan said

    Go Army!

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