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Weekend reading

Posted by Richard on November 5, 2005

For some fine weekend reading, head over to the Watcher of Weasels and check out the latest voting results. Every week, the Watcher’s Council nominates and votes on posts by Council members and non-members to pick the best pieces of writing around.

This week’s winning council entry is an interesting piece of speculation at The Strata-Sphere about what Joe Wilson and the CIA were really up to in Niger. The non-council winner is Cathy Seipp’s first post about her lung cancer, diagnosed over three years ago. Go read them both. Then, for more good posts, check out the complete list of nominees.

If you’re at all interested in firearms and the Second Amendment, you have to check out this week’s Carnival of Cordite, hosted at Resistance is futile! as usual. For one thing, if you checked out last week’s Kalashnikitty, then you need to see this week’s rodent response. Of course, there’s the usual fine mix of posts about legal issues, political matters, guns, hunting, gun pumpkin carving, and target shooting (competitive and pure fun), and more — all nicely introduced by Gullyborg, with lots of cool pictures of unusual or interesting weapons sprinkled throughout.

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