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Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 5000

Posted by Richard on August 27, 2008

RMBB5000I've got good news and bad news about Thursday night's Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash, the Donkeys Over Denver edition. First, the bad news: It's too late to RSVP — and that means no two free drinks. Now the good news: Anyone and everyone is invited to attend, RSVP or not — you just have to buy your own drinks.

Hey, you were going to buy some anyway, now you just have to buy two more. More info, including how to get there, here.

Now, on a related note, please drop by Billll's Idle Mind and wish him a speedy recovery from his bad bicycle accident. Because he won't be able to attend the Blogger Bash.

Don't get any ideas, though. I've already called dibs on his free drinks. 

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