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SCOTUS polls: two Brown landslides

Posted by Richard on October 29, 2005

Charmaine at Reasoned Audacity is running a poll on who should be the next Supreme Court nominee. The choices are Janice Rogers Brown, Ted Olson, Michael Luttig, Edith Jones, Alice Batchelder, Michael McConnell, and Samuel Alito. When I voted, Brown had 50% of the 1100-odd votes. Luttig was second with 18%.

To bring you up to speed, Charmaine has brief looks at the above candidates, plus a growing list of others, with plenty of links to additional information. She also linked to this GOPUSA story about a poll they conducted:

The overnight survey conducted by GOPUSA of over 1,000 primarily conservative Republicans shows that 72% believe Miss Miers did the right thing by withdrawing her nomination. …

… When presented with a list of some of the most frequently circulated names for Supreme Court consideration, a near majority (46%) favored Judge Janice Rogers Brown. The complete results of the respondents are as follows:

Judge Janice Rogers Brown: 46%

Judge Priscilla Owen: 12%

Judge Michael Luttig: 8%

Solicitor General Ted Olson: 8%

Judge Emilio Garza: 3%

Judge Edith Jones: 3%

Judge Samuel Alito: 1%

Judge Karen Williams: 1%

Larry Thompson: 1%

Someone Else: 16%

The GOPUSA survey also asked how important various factors should be in selecting a nominee. Here are the percentages who rated these factors as "most important" or "very important":

Judicial philosophy 91%
Judicial experience 58%
Age 36%
Being a woman or minority 14%

Interesting. And I’m delighted to see my enthusiasm for Janice Rogers Brown is widely shared.

Now, go to Reasoned Audacity and vote for Brown!

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3 Responses to “SCOTUS polls: two Brown landslides”

  1. Anonymous said

    I was very surprised she was not the nominee when Sandra Day O’Connor first annouced her retirement. There is very little doubt in my mind that she will be the next nominee put forth by the President.

  2. Anonymous said

    Dude, I fervently hope you’re right, but I can’t share your confidence. I suspect she’s a long shot.

  3. Anonymous said

    I just have this gut feeling. I strongly suspect that on just about any other conservative poll that Janice Rogers Brown would also win by a landslide. If you or anyone can find any links I would love to see them. I will look for them also. I have FOX news channel and MSNBC on in the background most of the time and rarely hear her name mentioned, even though she is so stongly supported by the conservative community. I say nominate her, she can be confirmed, if worst comes to worst and she can’t be confirmed the next nominee proposed will be less conservative and will most likely be confirmed. A win win situation.

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