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Weekend reading assignments

Posted by Richard on October 29, 2005

Is it cold and gray and gloomy where you are, like it is here in Denver? Are you inclined to stay indoors and catch up on some reading? Well, I’ve got your online reading assignments right here.

First, even if you’re not much into guns, you just have to visit Carnival of Cordite #36 at Resistance is futile! Why, you ask? Because it’s got Countertop Chronicle’s Kalishnikitty! (Countertop, shouldn’t that be "Kalashnikitty"?) But there’s much more — great pictures, great posts — on a vast array of guns, gun rights, self-defense, and related issues. Even the disgusting news that the next James Bond will be unarmed — a "gun-fearing sissy boy." Boo!

When you’ve had your fill of guns, head on over to the Watcher of Weasels and check out the latest voting results. Every week, the Watcher’s Council nominates and votes on posts by Council members and non-members to pick the best pieces of writing around. The latest winning Council post is a piece on Syria’s assassination of Rafiq Hariri by Right Wing Nut House. The winning non-Council post is a disturbing and thought-provoking post by psychoanalyst ShrinkWrapped that discusses how, with the best of intentions, liberals psychologically cripple young black men. Be sure to read the comments.

The complete list of the Council’s latest nominees is here. The Watcher’s Council posts have always been worth checking out, but for those interested in liberty issues, they’re becoming more so as the Life, Liberty, Property community pursues its secret plan to take over the Council. The Watcher recently named LLP founder Eric Cowperthwaite to the Council, and existing Council member Matt Barr, the New World Man, just became the newest member of the LLP community. Rhymes With Right is also both a Council and LLP member, so the LLP community now has 3 of the 13 Council seats. Notice that The Unrepentant Individual, another LLP member, finished second in the non-Council category this week — all part of our secret plan. Mwahahahaha!

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