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Stand up against union thuggery in Denver on Tuesday

Posted by Richard on February 21, 2011

From Jeff Crank, Director of AFP-Colorado (via email):

We’ve all seen the outrageous attempts to intimidate Governor Scott Walker and members of the Wisconsin legislature by the SEIU, Organizing for America and other left-wing groups which are trying to disrupt the government of Wisconsin from doing its business.

Now the union bosses have decided to export their unrest to other states – including right here in Colorado.  As the SEIU is standing firm with the turmoil taking place in Wisconsin, they have planned nationwide "Union Solidarity Action Rallies" – including one in Denver tomorrow, Tuesday, February 22, 2011.

Freedom groups from all over Colorado are going to stand firm with Governor Scott Walker, free enterprise and balancing our budget for the sake of our children and grandchildren.  I hope you will join me and other freedom fighters on the west sidewalk surrounding the Colorado State Capitol tomorrow at noon to show our support for fiscal sanity.

Please be aware, the SEIU will have a permit for the actual grounds and we will be respectful of this. If you are on the grounds, do not be disruptive or they can have you removed. We will be meeting on the sidewalk on the west side of the Capitol – where we will express our First Amendment rights and cannot be asked to leave.

Bring your signs, your flags, your friends, and your right to free expression.  Let’s show Colorado that we won’t stand for a future burdened by debt and out-of-control spending.

I'm taking the day off on Tuesday, and I'll be there. If you're in the neighborhood and able to do so (maybe just a long lunch?), please join me.

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