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Steve Goodman would be so happy!

Posted by Richard on November 3, 2016

Cubs win! Cubs win!

If only Steve Goodman had lived to see it.

In my not-so-humble opinion, Steve Goodman was one of the finest singer-songwriters ever to walk the earth. He was a Chicago boy and a huge Cubs fan. Tragically, he died of leukemia at the age of 36 in 1984, just four days before the Cubs won the National League Eastern Division title, sending them to the playoffs for the first time since 1945.

It’s nice to imagine that there’s a heaven with Steve Goodman in it, and that he’s got a huge grin on his face as he declares, “Damn, I’m gonna have to write some new lyrics for that song!”

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One Response to “Steve Goodman would be so happy!”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    There’s no need to characterize your opinion as humble at all in Steve’s case. The man was one of the greatest ever songwriters in the world no if’s, and’s or but’s! Between him and John Prine the two of them had more talent for songwriting in their little fingers than most other people had in their whole bodies. Seeing them performing “Souvenirs” and other gems, and knowing that the look in their eyes was one of pure love for the music and not a one of those notes and not a one of those words were commercial. Steve’s and John’s words flew high above the level of “commercial” and carried so much meaning that they out carried commercial and became icons of TRUE meaning. Of all the things music just IS and can’t be chiseled into by cheap tools.

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