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Posts Tagged ‘brutality’

Four disturbing minutes from Venezuela

Posted by Richard on March 22, 2014

María Corina Machado is a member of Venezuela’s National Assembly and leader of the opposition demonstrations against the brutal Maduro regime (for which she’s been charged with treason). This is a video she presented to the Organization of American States.  I only know a few words of Spanish. After watching this, I’m afraid I now know what “asesinado” means.

[YouTube link]

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Venezuela: compare marches for and against the commie government

Posted by Richard on March 22, 2014

Bill O’Keefe (@DefendWallSt) tweeted a bunch of pictures from Venezuela today, some rather disturbing. But this, IMHO, is the one that tells the most important story:

The MSM, to the extent that Venezuela is mentioned at all, will simply report that demonstrations both for and against the government took place.

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Maduro’s socialist reign of terror in Venezuela

Posted by Richard on March 22, 2014

Recently, the situation in Venezuela has gone from terrible to horrific. The colectivos, Maduro-organized gangs of thugs on motorcycles, have been terrorizing middle-class neighborhoods and murdering anti-government demonstrators. National Guard troops have been brutally suppressing dissent and are now using live ammunition against demonstrators. And the US media have paid scant attention.

Bill O’Keefe, a Democrat turned libertarian, tells the story of what’s happening in Venezuela (with lots of pictures) at Daily Surge. And he tweets frequent updates and pictures.  See his latest @DefendWallSt. Or check out his top tweets at Favstar.

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