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Posts Tagged ‘mosque fire’

Devout Muslim set mosque fire

Posted by Richard on December 30, 2015

The Savoy Masjid mosque in Houston was heavily damaged by an arson fire on Christmas Day, and firefighters had barely finished putting their hoses away before the cries of “Islamophobia” and “hate crime” began. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), supposedly a “Muslim civil rights group,” but actually a creation of and front group for the Muslim Brotherhood, called for a federal investigation into what they characterized as part of a nationwide wave of anti-Muslim violence.

Well, what do you know:

The 37-year-old man who has been arrested on suspicion of setting fire to a Houston mosque on Christmas Day attended the facility for five years and prayed there five times a day.

I’m so not surprised.

UPDATE: No, I’m not prepared to call it a false flag operation, although others have — plenty of them. To be a false flag operation, it must have been orchestrated by a government or organization, and there is no definitive evidence of that yet. It could be just one crazy parishioner motivated by who knows what.

But I’m not dismissing the false flag idea either. CAIR has certainly engaged in muruna many times (including its own efforts to portray the San Bernardino massacre and the Boston bombings as false flag operations and Muslims as the victims). And I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the Savoy Masjid mosque is heavily supported by the Saudis and full of Wahabbi literature.

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