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Posts Tagged ‘washington’

Why Trump won, reason #673

Posted by Richard on January 20, 2017

There are many reasons why Trump won the election. Not the least among them is the mindset of the Washington establishment exemplified by MarketWatch editor Rex Nutting in the condescending opinion piece Welcome to Washington, Trump supporters (emphasis added):

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — I’m seeing a lot of Trump supporters on the streets of the District today, and as a 25-year resident of this great city, I say “Welcome! Stay awhile!”

Today is your big day to celebrate the election of the man who heard your voice and amplified it. It must feel great to be heard.

You won’t meet many Washingtonians around the Capitol, on the parade route up Pennsylvania Avenue, or on the Mall today. Most of us are staying away from downtown out of respect, and maybe a little anxiety about what is to become of our beloved nation.

After the ceremony and the parade, I hope you’ll wander around the city for a while. You may think that Washington doesn’t understand you and your problems, but I wonder if you understand us, the people of this metro area. There’s more to us than a swamp.

In the spirit of the day, get out of your bubble and get to know us, because we are America too.

To Nutting and his ilk, it’s those of us who live in flyover country who are living in a bubble. We need to meet the residents of the District of Columbia and visit its monuments to the “anti-Trump” political leaders of the past in order to get to know the real America.


UPDATE: Some visitors from flyover country are being removed from their bubble and introduced to D.C. residents whether they like it or not:

Celeste Sollars, who said she and her husband came to town from Kansas to see the inauguration, said they were spit on and her husband was put in a chokehold by protesters.

“The cops wouldn’t do anything,” she said, crying. “This is not how it was supposed to be — assault is not a First Amendment right.”

So today the heartland ignoramuses visiting Washington are learning that the real America outside their 3000-county “bubble” is all about vandalizing property, burning cars, and assaulting people who think differently.

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Look, mom, that woman has a pee-pee!

Posted by Richard on January 8, 2016

Leon Wolf reports at Red State (emphases in original):

The Washington State Human Rights Commission, a regulatory agency, has been empowered by the Washington State legislature to draft legally binding rules for businesses to prevent “discrimination” on the basis of “sexual orientation and gender expression[.]” The commission has released its final rule, and boy is it a doozy.

Among other things, the rule makes it illegal to ask “unwelcome personal questions about an individual’s sexual orientation, gender expression or gender identity, or transgender status.” In other words, not only can women not prevent a person with full male equipment from entering their restroom or locker room, they can’t even ask what he is doing there.

Given that the rule applies to schools as well as businesses, your child can now run afoul of this law if they encounter one of the increasing number of prepubescent kids who are victims of the particular species of child abuse where parents tell their 8 year old kid they are transgendered.

As to what constitutes an “unwelcome” personal question about a person’s gender expression, the rule does not say; presumably, the person who is being questioned has sole discretion over whether to make someone into a lawbreaker or not.

The rule also makes it illegal for a business (including a school) to deliberately misuse the pronoun any person would prefer, thus meaning that Washington State has joined the city of New York in fining people who call human males “he” if they decide they want to be called “she.”

Our society has collectively lost its damn mind. It’s difficult to imagine a society so full of rot that it would allow a rule like this to be promulgated in a major political subdivision can expect to last for very long.

It is to laugh. Or to cry. Or maybe to engage in guerilla theater. What do you say, guys? Go to Seattle, join a gym, strut into the women’s locker room, and declare yourself a lesbian trapped in a man’s body!

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Relocating D.C. rats

Posted by Richard on January 16, 2012

In the District of Columbia, pest control companies can no longer kill (unless “no other options are feasible,” whatever that means) various vertebrate pests, including squirrels, skunks, raccoons, and some species of rats and mice. Instead, they must trap the critters alive, preferably in “family units,” and relocate them.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has no compunction about breaking up Mexican “family units,” but rat “family units” in D.C. need to be kept intact. PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk declarated that “a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.” But it’s long been clear from their actions and pronouncements that the animal rights crowd thinks rats and other non-domesticated creatures deserve more consideration than pigs or dogs, and far more than boys.

The District of Columbia’s Wildlife Protection Act of 2010 (PDF) took effect last year, and Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli thinks it’s just ridiculous:

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli says he is worried that a new District of Columbia law that governs how pest control operators must handle rats may result in entire rodent “families” being relocated across the Potomac River into Virginia by D.C. pest control personnel.

Lately, there have been reports of growing rat infestations around the Occupy DC protests at Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square.

While the law exempts “commensal rodents”–varieties of which most people know (or have seen) as common rats or house mice–the rice rat and deer mouse, which are found in the District, are not defined as commensal and apparently are not exempt from the law. In addition, the new law expands the definition of wildlife and sets the rules for handling it to include raccoons, squirrels, skunks, and other animals that can carry disease, such as rabies. The law applies to trained animal control officers, not to homeowners.

Personally, I’m all in favor of relocating a bunch of rodent pests out of the District of Columbia, and I’m hoping this November’s election will do just that.

HT: The Westerner, who noted, “First they disarmed the citizen.  Now they disarm pest control.  I predict a thriving black market for rat killin’ in the D.C. area.”

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Warren on Washington weather

Posted by Richard on February 10, 2010

From Americans for Limited Government, here are a couple of William Warren cartoons that might amuse (or maybe annoy) those of you back East trying to dig out from the latest massive winter storm.

Warren cartoon - snow or irony

Warren cartoon - Capitol South
ALG Editor's Note: William Warren's award-winning cartoons published at are a free service of ALG News Bureau. They may be reused and redistributed free of charge.

Not to rub it in or anything, but the total snowfall to date in Denver this winter is less than what much of the East Coast got in the last 24 hours. Happy Snowmaggedon!

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A day to celebrate

Posted by Richard on December 25, 2007

If you're an American — or just a lover of Liberty — please join me today in celebrating the 231st anniversary of the Battle of Trenton. 

 George Washington crossing the Delaware at the Battle of Trenton, by Emmanuel Leutze


After being driven out of New York by the British and forced to retreat to the West bank of the Delaware during the late summer of 1776, the American cause was at a low ebb. In the harsh winter Washington was faced with the annual crisis of the expiry of the Continental Army’s period of enlistment. He resolved to attack the Hessian position at Trenton on the extreme southern end of the over extended British line along the Delaware, before his army dispersed.

Washington’s plan was to cross the Delaware at three points with a force commanded by Lt Col Cadwallader with a Rhode Island regiment, some Pennsylvanians, Delaware militia and two guns, a second force under Brigadier Ewing of militia and the third commanded by himself which would cross the river above Trenton and attack the Hessian garrison in the town. Washington had as his subordinates, Major Generals Nathaniel Greene and John Sullivan.

It was a cold dark night and the river was running with flowing ice. At about 11pm a heavy snow and sleet storm broke. Washington’s force did not reach the east bank until around 3am. His soldiers were badly clothed and many did not have shoes.

Washington’s men then marched to Trenton, some of the men leaving traces of blood on the snow.

The Hessians attempted to form in the town but were under artillery fire and attack from front and rear. The Americans occupied the houses and shot down the German gunners and foot soldiers during which Colonel Rahl was fatally wounded. Rahl’s troops retreated to an orchard in the South East of the town where they surrendered.

Ewing and Cadwallader failed to make the river crossing and took no part in the attack.
Casualties: The Americans suffered 4 wounded casualties. It is said that in addition two American soldiers froze to death. The Hessians suffered 20 killed and around 100 wounded. 1,000 were captured.

The effect of the battle of Trenton was out of all proportion to the numbers involved and the casualties. The American effort across the colonies was galvanized and the psychological dominance achieved by the British in the preceding year overturned. Howe was stunned that a strong German contingent could be surprised in such a manner and put up so little resistance. Washington’s constant problem was to maintain the enthusiasm of his army for the war, particularly with the system of one year recruitment and Trenton proved a much needed encouragement.

• Washington’s army crossing the Delaware in the freezing conditions has become an important national image for the United States as can be seen in Emmanuel Leutze’s picture.
• Present at the battle were: two other future presidents James Madison and James Monroe, the future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall, Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton

Truly a glorious event worthy of celebration.

Oh, yes, and I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, too! I'm not a Christian, but I love Christmas. Christians have long had the best music, from classics like Ave Maria and Missa Solemnis, to anything ever sung by George Beverly Shea, to countless wonderful Christmas songs. But no Christmas song is better than Mel Tormé's The Christmas Song, sung by the Velvet Fog himself. Enjoy!

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